9th June - Tim Coleman Guided Skills Loop
9th June
Guided ride on the 30 km course with a mixture of bronze, silver & gold
Location: Maffra Mayhem (Coongulla)
timcolemancoaching@gmail.com for details
Limited spots
9th June
Guided ride on the 30 km course with a mixture of bronze, silver & gold
Location: Maffra Mayhem (Coongulla)
timcolemancoaching@gmail.com for details
Limited spots
Why would you ride those funny looking seatless motorcycles? They must weigh nothing the way they bunny hop up shipping containers?
Tim has selected December 6, 7 and 8 of incredible riding to prepare him for the 2020 season!
Weekend Course
19th 20th November
26th 27th November
3rd 4th December
10th 11th December
17th 18th December
2023 Dates Coming Soon
Tim Coleman Riding Clinic with Bike You on December the 13th, 14th and 15th!
Two day coaching clinic
Two days of progressive coaching!
25th 26th March
October 8th & 9th
Tim Coleman Off-Road Clinic - All rider Levels
Covering various techniques with a Trail ride.
Saturday 17th June
Weekend course
20th 21st Jan
24th 24th Feb
16th 17th March
23rd 24th March
13th 14th April
4th 5th May
Weekend course
10th 11th June
24th 25th June
1st 2nd July
29th 30th July
A day in the countryside with hard enduro gun Tim Coleman and a fleet of brand-new Sherco trials bikes can teach you a lot